Our Offerings

As a franchisee you’ll have time tested cotton candy designs at your finger tips. And our spin masters are always creating new designs and products to keep your customers curious and coming back for more.

Fluffy’s Side Hustle Pop-Ups offer the following items:

Mall Pop-ups

Food Markets


Birthday Parties

Corporate Events

Fund Raisers


Sweet Sixteens

Sporting Events

County Fairs

Bar Mitzvahs

Children's Events

Retailer's Space

The Quinceanera

The key word is “Hustle”. It’s up to you on where and when, how often and networking!

Photos from Recent Events

Fluffys Cotton Candy Creations Franchise
Fluffys Cotton Candy Creations Franchise

Get Details today

Ready to learn more about the sweetest side hustle out there? Contact us today.